3 Reasons You Might Need a Coach

When you wake up in the morning how do you usually feel?
Excited? Anxious? Numb? Something else?
If you can believe it, some people wake up most mornings and feel a surge of gratitude because they get to live the life they do. I think we’d all agree this is rare.
Some of us are in a phase in which we want more out of our lives (more meaning, more connection, more money, etc.). We want more, but for whatever reason we don’t act in a way that moves us towards getting more. We continue our same routine each day, or every once and a while we take some extra energy we happen to have and use it all up on some Hail Shakti attempt to change our lives without fully thinking it through. If you’ve thrown out all your junk food in a fit of health, or if you’ve decided for the thousandth time THIS is the day you’ll start that project, only to find yourself binging Netflix and swedish berries all night – I’m talking to you.
Sometimes we need help to get out of our routine and make the change that we do truly want to make, we just don’t know where to begin. Coaching can be an effective way to quickly move us from a place of stagnation to a place of momentum and development.
If you’re not sure if coaching is right for you, here are 3 clues. If you resonate with one of these 3 emotional/mental/spiritual places in time, you may benefit from a coaching program.
Is there a niggling and insistent sense of dissatisfaction in your day to day life, but you haven’t been able to put your finger on what’s causing it? You say things like, “I guess I’m feeling okay, but I just wonder if there might be more than this.” or “There’s something missing in my life, I just feel empty.” As humans, how can we solve a problem if we don’t know what the problem is?
A coach can ask questions that provoke deep thought, and then listen fully to help you suss out what’s going on. A coach can help you frame the issue in a way that is clear and resonates with you. Then, together, you’ll be able to determine the meaningful next steps (or step) you want to take.
Figuring out what you want can actually be the hardest and most important step. Some people never move past this phase and live their lives with a constant and generalized feeling of discontent.
Maybe you know what the issue is, but you just can’t figure out how to solve it. This is for the folks who create endless pros and cons lists and go back and forth with their friends about what they should do. Often at this stage we’re overthinking, or letting the opinions of others cloud our intuition.
A coach can help you sort through the thoughts and feelings to determine which thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values belong to you, and which belong to your friends, family, or the collective. You and your coach can then take a look at the root or heart of the issue, which you will have identified, and build a plan together to move forward.
Okay. You know what the problem is, you know what you need to do….but you just can’t seem to move forward. Something is blocking you. This is where you and the coach explore fears, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage.
It can be very difficult to identify our own blind spots (this can also be called shadow). Having an objective, deep listener available in conversation to notice what you yourself might be unable to see can be perspective-changing, and therefore life-changing.
We all struggle at some point in our lives. If we’re open to growth, we’ve probably struggled at many points in our lives as we transition from our old way of living to our new, scary, exciting, unknown way. If you’re resonating with anything you’re reading today, give us a call. Or book a call with another coach. Find someone who is neutral, who doesn’t have a stake in your life, who can encourage and inspire you. A person who can hold up a mirror to show you the places in your life where you shine, as well as the places that need to be held safely, and looked at with curiosity, wonder, and love.
In a recent talk for the Embodiment Conference 2020, John Kabat-Zin talked about mindfulness and the importance of looking inward, explaining that the root word of curiosity is to care, and to cure. Beautiful in it’s simplicity, don’t you think?
This is the essence of coaching, and it’s what is waiting for you inside yourself if you can only move out of your own way to let it be.

VBL has an in person presence in Calgary, Nelson and Bonnyville.